Of Oh My God and I’m Back Again

*sings* Emmy’s back, back again. Emmy’s back, tell a friend.

Funny story – my mom hated it when one of my aunts called me Emmy. It works for the intro, though.

Can we believe it’s been two and a half YEARS since I updated this bad boy? Needless to say A LOT has gone down (yes, there will be A LOT of ALL CAPS in this entry). Though this entry itself will actually be fairly short because Mr Emily & I are off to Vegas for yay-cation (you can thank one of my friends for that term) for a week starting tomorrow. For now, here’s a list version of the high (and low) points for the past 29 months.

The Good

  • Still married (obvs if we’re about to go on vacation).
  • Got accepted to Emory University for radiology (changed my life path, but that’s a whole entry on its own).
  • Made a bunch of awesome new friends during my time at GPC. I will miss them muchly when I start at Emory in the fall.
  • I actually did get an exit interview for Crimerica (aka Primerica) in the form of a giant packet of paper. Thus I was able to rip Jordan and Kyle the appropriate new ones. That felt SO GOOD.
  • I’ve become heavily involved in the indie nail polish community (it’s a thing. Promise.)
  • All the kitties are still alive and well.

The Bad

  • My dad passed away July 19, 2017. It wasn’t entirely unexpected. He’d been doing poorly for several months leading up to it. The cancer had spread to his entire body. In the end, it was almost a relief when he died because he suffered so much in the end. It doesn’t make it sting any less, though.
  • The friend who helped me navigate online dating from the male perspective (I believe I referred to him as The Fling, but I could be wrong) basically stopped talking to me when I got married. He later up & moved to Chicago. His kids are in college up there so that’s not a huge surprise, but it kind of felt like getting dumped all over again just because I was a married woman. That sucked.
  • A ton of family drama has sprouted in the wake of my dad’s death. I won’t air too much of that dirty laundry here until it’s been fully sorted out. Suffice to say that if my dad were alive, he’d be pretty pissed off at how his sisters are treating my mother.
  • My therapist who I’d been seeing for 6 years retired at the end of 2016 & I’ve yet to find a new one (I know, I know. Shame on me).

All of these things will get more airtime later, but that’s the gist of it for now. I hope y’all haven’t completely forgotten me. I know I haven’t forgotten you over the years!